Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Jets QB Mark Sanchez Talks Playoffs (really, he is!)

Mark Sanchez is called a lot of things. Often times those 'things' are not very complimentary. There is one thing that no one will ever be to call him--a player that lacks confidence. Why? Because after all the drama on and off the field he still talks the talk and acts like his time can get the job done.

Like he did recently when he said the Jets are playoff-bound.

From Twitter Account @Mark_Sanchez
Sanchez has not even been named the starter for the Jets (he and Geno Smith are listed first on the depth chart), but he is still acting and talking like its his job to lose. Even though his play has not been stellar, he is right. 

The competition for the job he has had the last four seasons has not stopped him from acting like the team leader--something QBs always are--and talking about the team's future.

"But it will turn around," said Sanchez to an LA Times reporter. We'll get back on track, get a couple wins, and once we get in the playoffs this year we'll make a little run. That's all you need to do is make your run, get hot at the right time, stay healthy."

I like how he just slid the comment about making the playoffs in there; like it was a given.

I suppose to be a player in the NFL, be it QB or any other position, you have to be confident and think you are going to do well. Now if only it was as easy to do as it is to think...

Good thing he doesn't have Jim Mora for a coach.

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