Friday, August 9, 2013

Packers QB Aaron Rodgers Shows Off a Little at Training Camp

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has taken some unnecessary grief from former teammate Greg Jennings this summer. Why Jennings felt the need to talk smack is a question that only he can answer. It's not like he changed the perception people had of Rodgers even the slightest.

We all know that he is one of if not the best quarterback in the game right now.

Mike Morbeck/Flickr
But, just in case there is/was any doubt to his skill Rodgers showed off just  a little during training camp when he nailed this deep throw to a target set up down-field.

When you nail a throw like that there is nothing wrong with wanting to take a little bow and celebrate. Rodgers just better be careful he doesn't do it towards anyone in a game this season!

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