Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Brett Favre--Not Aging Well!

I'm a longtime fan of Brett Favre and his work, but man--a couple of decades in the NFL were not nice to the man. The calendar might say he's 44, but he sure doesn't look it!


  1. As a person living in Hattiesburg/Oak Grove Mississippi, I can assure you that is a horrible picture of Brett. He and his family are doing, AND LOOKING, quite well.

  2. oye vey ish meir!.... ( holy crap in Yiddish)

  3. Definitely photo shopped.

  4. What a ridiculous way to get a sorry story! I saw him on TV recently and he looked GOOD!

    1. I'll bet you also think George Michael looks good?

  5. I think it is safe to say that this is just a very bad picture.

  6. By far the stupidest sports story ever.

    1. It's 2 sentences. You're calling 2 sentences a story.

  7. Concussions cover up?

  8. I believe his father Irv was only like 59 when he died of a heart attack a decade or so ago. Anyone who knows anything about genetics knows that's absolutely a bad omen for any son regardless of how old he currently is or how he currently looks. No guarantees on anything in life outside of the fact that you WILL die someday, but I'm glad my dad is still 84 and kicking although we're not very close.

  9. I noticed the premature grey on Brett in his TV commercials. Brett is aging like my older brother who is only 4 years older than me. His hair has been prematurely white for the past 15 years or so. He was a lifer in the Army, and a Green Beret in Vietnam. While I look 10 years younger than I really am, he looks 10 years older than he really is. The extra white/grey hair comes with the territory. The extra wrinkles in the skin, especially on the face, are likely a product of lifestyle. That is definitely a bad photo.
