Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Journey Back has Begun for Everett Golson

The season has not gone how fans of the Fighting Irish had hoped. It hasn't sucked, but coming off a championship caliber season last year many view it as a bit of a let down. Part of the reason has been the absence of quarterback Everett Golson, and on Tuesday fans got some good news concerning his future with the team.

He is on the way back--if the school will let him.

Golson was suspended for an academic violation, but has applied for readmission to the school:

Should he be granted readmission he could join the team at practice as it prepares for whatever bowl game the Irish get invited to. It will be interesting to see how Brian Kelly handles practice. You know he'll want to see how Golson has progressed after working with quarterback guru George Whitfield.

Maybe the best way to see how far Golson has come will be to let him run the scout team. That way Kelly and the coaching staff can check out his mechanics and Rees can get all the snaps he needs to prepare for the bowl game.

First things first--the school has to let him back in.

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