Saturday, November 16, 2013

How Not to Execute an Onside Kick by the California Golden Bears

The onside kick is one of the most exciting plays in football. When executed right it is organized chaos and bedlam waiting to happen as a group of stellar athletes act like a pack of hungry dogs going after a single steak. 

It's kill or be killed; stay alive and continue fighting to win or tuck your tail between your legs an accept defeat. That is--if it is down right.
When done wrong--like in the GIF above--it just guarantees defeat. 

Cal has over four minutes left and will need a couple of onside kicks to have a chance, but when you have just one win to your name you have to do whatever it takes and hope for the best sometimes. This onside attempt needed more than hope for Cal to recover it.

The players look like they were fixated on a spot 10-yards in front of them, but for some reason when it didn't go there they couldn't adjust. I don't know why they watched him run on by rather than tackle him; must be one of the many reasons why they have won just one game this season.

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