Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mexico Destroys New Zealand in World Cup Playoff; Celebrates Bare Back Style

Even the most casual soccer fan knows how much fun people have in the stands at games. The guys on the field tend to be pretty expressive too. Some of their goal celebrations are epic--like this one by Oribe Peralta.
This is what he did when the team was up 3-0. I can only imagine what went on when Mexico won the game 5-1.

It is understandable if the guys are a little excited. The team has not done well in recent games scoring just seven goals over their last ten matches. The team's woes have been so bad that it has gone through  four coaches in the last two months!

Current coach Miguel Herrera was just hired for the two playoff game with New Zealand. After scoring close to as many goals in one game than the team had in the last ten I'd have to think that he may have a new contract waiting for him if the team wins the second playoff game next Wednesday.

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