Friday, November 22, 2013

NFL Suspends Referee that Cursed at Washington's Trent Williams

Remember on Sunday when Washington Redskins lineman Trent Williams claimed that one of the referees cursed at him and called him a derogatory name? Well--it appears that he wasn't lying. The referee in question--Roy Ellison--has been suspended without pay for one game.

Word is that Williams did the deed first and that Ellison was responding to what was directed at him. It certainly does not make what he did right, but it does put the deed in question into perspective.

The big thing now is what will happen to Williams. If Ellison is being punished for cursing at a player shouldn't a player that curses at a ref be punished as well? Logic would say yes, but if that were to happen what kind of pandora's box would we be opening?

I'm sure that Williams is not the first nor will he be the last player to curse at a referee. It just might be the first time that a referee was busted cursing back--or maybe not.

Perhaps that was why his teammates were telling Williams to shut up when he was telling the story to the press. Maybe its something that happens, but since it happens among the men on the field they leave it among the men on the field.

Kind of makes Williams look like a punk if you ask me. He wants to cry foul when a ref does it, but does it himself? Just a little bit on the hypocritical side there Trent.

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