Thursday, November 14, 2013

No More Babies for Jets Defensive Back Antonio Cromartie (snip snip)

Antonio Cromartie is a heck of a football player; that goes without saying. However, he is probably known even more for his--oh, reproductive skills--than he is for his ball hawking ability. When he made the move from San Diego to New York rumor had it that he needed an advance on his salary to get out from under the child support mess he was in.

Jets fans will be glad to know that those days are behind him now--and not just because he has grown up, gotten his act together, and got married (hint--snip snip).

According to a new book about the 2011 New York Jets--Collision Low Crossers: A Year Inside the Turbulent World of NFL Football-- Cromartie has gone under the knife to make sure he doesn't add to his brood (New York Post):
“Walk-throughs the day before the game were uninteresting to most players, but not to Cromartie, who could never spend enough time on a football field. Cro had recently submitted to a vasectomy — ‘I got snipped,’ as he told [Dawidoff]. Eric Smith surveyed the jubilant, excised cornerback and said fondly, ‘I wish it had calmed him down!’”
It is not something I would ever look to do (don't tell my wife I said that), but I understand why the man did what he did. After having 10 kids by eight different women it was probably time to make sure No. 11 didn't pop out anytime soon.

Than again--he is one short of fielding a football team...

[Want to see the clip from Hard Knocks that made his reproductive prowess famous?]

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