Thursday, November 14, 2013

USC Would Be Foolish Not to Give the Head Coaching Job to Ed Orgeron

Just a few weeks ago it looked as if the proud USC Trojans were going to slide into obscurity this season. Then Lane Kiffin was fired, defensive line coach/recruiting coordinator Ed Orgeron named the interim head coach, and the Trojans have rattled off four wins in five games to improve to 7-3.

So why hasn't the university taken the interim tag off yet?

One would think that the turnaround alone would be enough for the school to make him the next head coach, but it appears that they are trying to leave their options open for now. When you have the right guy why wait?

The players clearly love this guy and not just because he brings burgers and fries to team meetings or lets them have real desserts for dessert. He has created an atmosphere that people want to be a part of and are happy to be around. As silly as it might sound, happy players make better players.

It's one thing to make nice with the team, but Orgeron has gone the extra mile and reached out to the band. He recently took the time out to write out thank you letters to each member of the band.

Small things like that make a difference to people. Everyone appreciates a pat on the back--especially when its not some form letter, but something a person takes the time out of their day to write. Doing things like this help create a positive environment beyond the locker room.

What university would not want that? So why are they hesitating?

There could be any number of reasons. The school is in position right now where they don't need to make a decision just yet. Maybe the school doesn't like Orgeron's past head coaching record (three seasons at Ole Miss; 10-25). 

While the winning record he has this season is nice he's only been in charge for five games, and it still has two very tough games left (Stanford this weekend and UCLA at the end of the season). Lose all three and he finishes 7-6; better than Kiffin, but not up to par with USC standards.

Should he win those (and the Colorado game) I can't help but think that he'll become an appealing candidate to someone else if USC doesn't snatch him up.

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