Sunday, November 10, 2013

Real Heroes Don't Throw Passes

What a great weekend of football! Thursday night got it started off right with three really good games and it didn't stop till the final seconds ticked off the clock for the Sunday night game. There were a ton of guys with great performances: Texas A&M's Johnny Manziel had an epic game; Wisconsin running back James White is a scoring machine...

From Bleacher Report
The list of football heroes could literally go on and on, but while we love what they do are they really heroes? What did they have to overcome? A stiff run defense? Too many interceptions? An inept coach and stupid play calling?

That's it?

Nothing against those guys. I love the work they do. Heck--I wouldn't have much to write about if it wasn't for them. I can't call them heroes though.

Yes, I know how hard they have to work to get to where they are, but if they wanted to stop tomorrow the trials and tribulations would end. Their struggle would be over and what makes them heroic in the eyes of millions history.

They would become just another dude--but if you want to check out what a real hero looks like:

Best Buddies International/FB
This is Jimmy Jenson. Jimmy has Down syndrome.I could try to tell you what it is, but I hated pretty much every science class I ever took (except political science) so you would be better off checking this out.

It's nothing you want to live with but there are plenty of people like Jimmy that have to--and its not easy. Many of the things that you and I take for granted are huge challenges or impossible for guys like Jimmy. His struggle never ends. 

But in spite of it he ran the New York City Marathon.


Guys like Jimmy are the real heroes; not because he ran a marathon, but because of what he does. He could let Down syndrome define who he is and control his life, but instead--with the help of people like his friend Jennifer Davis that ran the marathon with him--he strives to overcome the obstacles that face him.

Unlike any and every NFL and college football out there he can't walk away from the struggle and just live a normal life. He faces it and beats it every day.

That is heroic.

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