Sunday, November 10, 2013

Richie Incognito Says Inappropriate Talk and Texts Went Both Ways [VIDEO]

One of the biggest stories in the NFL this season off the field has been the hazing fiasco in Miami involving a pair of huge dudes--offensive linemen Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin.

So far the perception is that Incognito is one messed up guy with some pretty bad anger issues, but after his interview with Jay Glazer you have to wonder if this whole mess has been misrepresented and blown out of proportion.

Here's a clip from the interview:

One of the biggest takeaways from it was that while Incognito did say some harsh things he wasn't alone it doing so. Martin did as well:

If that wasn't enough to make you wonder there was this message that Martin sent Incognito after he left the team over the supposed bullying:'s starting to sound like this isn't a case of bullying but just two guys that don't know how to communicate with other human beings in an appropriate manner.


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