Friday, November 29, 2013

Roll Tide Takes On New Meaning With Truck Trolling Auburn

It's rare that a rivalry game has as much riding on it as Saturday's Iron Bowl between the Crimson Tide of Alabama and the Auburn Tigers. This game will have a direct impact on who plays for the final BCS national championship as the No. 1 and No. 4 teams face off.

Sound intriguing?

The fact that is a game against a rival should be enough for fans to get excited, but the stakes do help. For the last week Alabama fans have been all over the internet trolling the Tigers, but Auburn fans have been mysteriously silent (I've been looking--haven't seen much of anything).

The latest and probably greatest bit of trolling literally came rolling threw town--an Alabama fan's truck with elephant's beating up tigers and the words 'here kitty kitty kitty' on it.


I've never been big on trash talking back when I played and have never really cared to do it as a fan either, but stuff like this would be too much for me not to come up with some kind of response. Come on Auburn fans! Where you at?

If the answer is waiting to do our talking on the field than okay, but if not...

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