Monday, November 25, 2013

So What Moves Will Mike Gundy Break Out Should the Cowboys Beat Oklahoma? Here are Some Ideas...

Coaches typically become known for the teams they put on the field. Makes sense, right? They are brought in to guide the team to victory so that only makes sense. However, from time to time there is a coach that becomes known for more than just winning--like Oklahoma State Head Coach Mike Gundy.

And his dancing.

The above GIF was from a couple seasons ago, but thanks to the World Wide Web he has become famous for it nationwide once again. Enough so that he was asked about what he might do prior to the Baylor game if his Cowboys win.

He didn't say what, but he did say he would oblige the team if he was called--and he did:

It's pretty hard to see him, but he did something similar to the above dance with some push ups thrown in. Here's a link to a clip with a better view.

Now that he's become an internet sensation for his moves fans can't help but wonder what's next. Oklahoma State will be favored against Oklahoma and should win the game. I'd be shocked if he wasn't asked about it prior to game time again.

I'm going to guess that he didn't tell the reporter what he was going to do because he didn't know (that and its a locker room thing for the kids; he would have been happy if it wasn't captured for posterity). In case Coach wants to plan ahead this time I have a few suggestions I'd like to offer (no twerking):

1. Coach Gundy would look tight doing his usual how low can you go routine into the spinarooni

2. He couldn't go wrong with a classic like the worm either.

3. He could pull Clint Chelf into it and do this routine Peyton Manning made famous.

4. Or maybe the Kid 'n Play routine.

5. But if he really wants to shock the world he needs to do this one:

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