Thursday, November 21, 2013

Why So Angry Samuel L. Jackson?

Actor Samuel L. Jackson was spotted reacting in a rather angry/upset manner during Thursday night's game between his Atlanta Falcons and the New Orleans Saints. Now chances are he was reacting to something in the game, but what if the expressive actor was reacting to something else....

From Bleacher Report
Here are just a few possibilities:

1. He realized that someone made a movie that he wasn't in.
2. There are snakes on his plane.
3. He finally figured out what a Royale with Cheese is; not that special.
4. Someone told him sewer rat does taste like pumpkin pie.
5. He wanted to be in Sharknado II, but the producers decided to stick with the Beverly Hills 90210 guy.
6. The force can't help the Falcons; and he doesn't have it.
7. Or maybe the Falcons just suck.

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