Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Florida Fans Take Trolling of Florida State and Jameis Winston Way Too Far

It has not been a good year for the Florida Gators. The football team lost its starting quarterback pretty early and even lost its back-up towards the end of the season. The offensive line was caught blocking each other in a game and tackling the running back in the next.  The offense as a whole sunk to new depths leading to the coordinator and o-line coach being fired.

So is it possible for Florida to sink any lower?
Thanks to a handful of truly tasteless and classless students the answer is yes. Prior to the Florida/Florida State game some students were seen wearing shirts with "The Rapers" on the front underneath the Florida State spear and "Forced Sex University" on the back.

In case you've been hiding under a rock, this is in reference to the ongoing investigation into allegations that Florida State's superstar freshman quarterback forced himself on a female student last year.

The internet has allowed fans to take trolling their rivals to a whole new level. Now, instead of a handful of people possibly seeing you at a game thousands (if not more) can see you at your finest via the World Wide Web. 

To really reach the masses some opt to take their trolling to a place it should never go--like these guys. A alleged criminal act like this is nothing to make light of. I would go as far as to say that the university should consider sanctions against their fraternity (if they are a part of one) or at the least put them on whatever form of probation they have.

And if that doesn't discourage them when their mothers find the shirt in their laundry next time they go home I hope they give these kids the lashing they deserve--literal and/or figurative.


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