Wednesday, December 11, 2013

'T'was the Night They'll Remember' Poem and Some Awesome Xmas Lights Ring in the Holiday War Eagle Style

The ending of this year's Iron Bowl will go down in history as one of the most epic endings to a college football game. Auburn fans and anti-Alabama ones are understandably excited about it even though the game is a couple weeks old.

It was just that awesome. So awesome in fact that it combined with the start of the holiday season has moved some fans to be creative.

From Bleacher Report
One gentleman was moved to verse and took a holiday classic--T'was the Night Before Christmas--and turned it into T'was the Night They'll Remember:

Another fan went all Clark Griswald with his lights and than set them to the radio broadcast of the final play and the Auburn Fight Song:

If that doesn't get you in the holiday spirit than there isn't much that will!

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