Tuesday, January 7, 2014

6 Things Johnny Manziel and Tim Tebow Did Not Talk About During ESPN's BCS Megacast

If ESPN were to try to put two guys that were more polar opposites--but still wildly popular--together than Tim Tebow and Johnny Manziel--well, it's impossible. One's a party animal; the other is the type of guy every Mom wishes her daughter would bring home.

They are football's odd couple and they were hanging out for ESPN during Monday night's BCS championship game talking football and who knows what else.

While the duo were put together to talk football you know they had to talk about something else whenever the camera wasn't on. The only question is what. Besides football and their fanatical fan bases they don't have much in common.

Tebow likely never misses a mass on Sunday. Manziel is probably heading home from his Saturday night shenanigans when Tebow leaves for said mass.

So what could they talk about? Here are a few ideas:

- Johnny to Tim: So when you go to church and they offer you the wine is it bad if you take the glass or go back for seconds?

- Tim to Johnny: Saw that pic on TMZ of you leaving that club with two babes. Was one the other's ride?

- Johnny to Tim: I can help you with that throwing motion if you want.

- Tim to Johnny: Don't go pro yet man. I want to talk about you next year at work.

- Johnny to Tim: Dude, I think that chick that stuck her head in here wants me.

- Tim to Johnny: So I've seen these things online about chicks wanting to party with you and stuff. Ummm...so what do you do with them? Watch movies and stuff?

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