Monday, January 6, 2014

New Texas HC Charlie Strong Makes First Press Conference a Memorable One; Trolls Media and Talks Naughty

The search is officially over. Fans of the Texas Longhorns now know who is going to lead the team into the future--Charlie Strong. Just like any new hire at a major university with its own cable network he got an official introduction to the media and press conference as a 'welcome' party of sorts.

This is where the fun starts.

Imagine the scenario--you have a beautiful wife, great kids, you are one of the hottest names in your line of work and you just landed the kind of job people dream of having. You are being introduced to the local media for the first time making the job go officially from a dream to real.

Would you be a little giddy? A little happy maybe? Crack a joke or two? If so than you'll understand exactly how Strong felt.

He started off with a bang throwing a zinger out at the media:

Okay; that was funny, but his real zingers came later when he started getting a little sexual (by accident...I think...) talking about making soft stuff hard (and how to do it) as well as working with boners (or donors):


When you take a job like he did scrutiny is going to be part of the territory. Folks are going to be hyper-critical and look for every single flaw; heck, some will likely try to make some up. Others will try to point out the silly and stupid while others will wax poetic about all that is good and pure.

Charlie Strong--he seems like the kind of guy that can handle the best and worst that the media, donors, haters, and trolls will throw at him. Heck, at the least it's going to be a fun ride going forward.

Good luck Coach and welcome to the Lon Star State.

[H/T to CollegeSpun]

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