Monday, January 6, 2014

ESPN Setting Johnny Manziel Up With the Perfect Time to Announce He's Entering the NFL Draft...or Staying in College

Monday night football fans across the nation will watch what should be an excellent game between the Florida State Seminoles and the Auburn Tigers. Before the game begins they may get a piece of news that many consider a foregone conclusion but has not been made official.

Is Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel going to enter the 2014 NFL draft?

Now I don't have any special knowledge of anything. I've never met the man nor do I know anyone in his circle of friends and confidants. So, no--I have no idea if he is actually going to make an announcement of any kind of if he has given it a second of thought since the Chick-fil-a Bowl.

But he is going to be a part of ESPN's coverage of the FSU/Auburn game.

Think about it folks. If you are the most dynamic and exciting player in college football would you announce your decision to enter the NFL draft via Twitter or through a local newspaper? Absolutely not! You would do it with millions and millions of people watching on national television.

Can there be a more appropriate and fitting time for Johnny Football? The answer to that question is easy.


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