Saturday, January 11, 2014

Colts Fan Takes Extreme Facial Hair to a Whole New Level

When we were kids our parents (or at least our teachers and pee wee football coaches) we can be whatever we want to be when we grow up. I'm pretty sure mine were not thinking competitive beard grower, but apparently the teachers and coaches of this Colts fan did!

Doing stuff in time for a big game is not unusual. It's what fan-dom is all about. However, this guy is the real deal--a true, blue (no pun intended; okay it was) competitive beard grower:
“It’s nickname is ‘Wu-Tang Whiskers.’ It’s over two years of growth and styling practice. I’m a three-time Minnesota State Champion, the current National Champion, and I just won a silver medal at the 2013 World Championships in Germany.”
So you see kids. If you want to be a competitive beard and/or mustache grower there is international travel and trophies to be had--just no money. I did a little searching on the internet and it appears that while you get a cool trophy and a lot of stares it is not going to pay the bills.

I have to say that I find beer carrying beard just a little more epic than horseshoe 'stache.

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