Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hulk Hogan Could Care Less About Death Threats; Throws His Support Behind the New England Patriots

Ric Flair made the internet 'news' cycle when he threw his support behind the San Francisco 49ers prior to their game against the Green Bay Packers. It has since caused Panthers wide receiver Steve Smith to throw some hate his way and a number of folks to send him some death threats.

All because he gave the 49ers a pep talk? Yep.

Such backlash might cause a lesser man to back off and not want to throw his support behind another team. A lesser man would shy away from the chance to speak out. He'd try to avoid the death threats and the negative press that comes with them.

But Holk Hogan is not a lesser man.

Mulligan has not done much for the Patriots in a statistical sense this season. The 28-year old has been targeted three times and caught two of those passes for 16 yards and a touchdown, but hey--the Hulkster believes in him.

Because he bought a belt from him:

I have to say the only thing this was missing was this: Whatcha gonna do when the New England Patriots run wild on you?

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