Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Does Lane Kiffin's Possible Hire Signal the Downfall of Alabama?

Nick Saban and the Alabama Crimson Tide know a whole lot about being on top. It'ss great, but there is one thing about being there that kinda sucks--eventually you are going to fall. Eventually you are going to recruit the wrong player, get an unlucky bounce (or return), a key person is going to get hurt, or you are going to hire the wrong coach to replace the great one that is moving on to other opportunities.

When that happens--like it did for Mack Brown--you fall, and it looks like that could soon happen for Saban and the Crimson Tide. That is, if he does hire Lane Kiffin to be his next offensive coordinator.

Last season's OC appears to be headed to Michigan leaving a door open for Kiffin to walk through--if Saban invites him. Prior to the Sugar Bowl Kiffin spent about a week with Saban going over the Alabama offense. Saban looked into hiring Kiffin back in ' why not now?

There is no reason to believe it will happen just yet, but the possibility is scaring fans and they are letting loose on Twitter to express their feelings--and they are not good ones:

To be fair there are just as many that are excited to have him as there are against the notion. I suppose they must be banking on him doing what he did way back in the day when he was the OC for USC for them; back in the Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush, LenDale White glory days.

All the talk could be for nothing, but it will certainly be entertaining!

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