Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Indiana Nabs Big Win Over Wisconsin; First in Nearly Seven Years

It has to be tough to be a college basketball coach (or any coach for that matter). With the quickness and ease that a team can gain and lose a lead--nerve wracking to say the least. Toss the idiot referees and tupid mistakes and high blood pressure is the least of your worries.

However, as crazy as the game may be the high you get at the end is well worth it to most. Just ask the Hoosiers.

Indiana had a tough one Tuesday night against Wisconsin, but there was more than just the guys on the court working against them--history was. The last time the Hoosiers defeated the Badgers was January 31. 2007.

Yes, boys and girls; close to seven years.

For some that may be intimidating, but not for Tom Crean's boys. The team was down at the end of the first half by a point and had been down for much of the half. They finally took a lead about midway through the second when Noah Vonley hit this shot:

Wisconsin would take the lead back shortly after, but when Will Sheehey hit a three to make the score 59-57 the Hoosiers never trailed again. The Badgers kept it close and nearly made a wild shot at the end of the game in an attempt to tie it up.

But the ball didn't fall--the Badgers did.

The loss is the first for Wisconsin this season and raises the Hoosiers record to 12-5 and 2-2 in Big 10 play.

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