Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Jacksonville Jaguars Fans Finally Moving On From Tim Tebow?

For the last few years there have been a contingent of fans in the Jacksonville area that have tried to impress upon the team to need to sign Tim Tebow. As a local hero from his college days it made sense. If there was going to be a fan base that would clamor to see a Tebow-led team it would be them.

Alas it was not meant to be. Billboards, rallies (in name only), and pleas fell on deaf ears and blind eyes as the Jaguars finished another poor season. You have to wonder just a little if the fan base will cry for Tebow next season as well...or not...

It looks like some of them are ready to move from the Great One and on to another--Johnny Football.

With the news early in the day Wednesday that Johnny Manziel was declaring for the draft a website popped encouraging the Jags to take Johnny Football and turn him in to Johnny Jaguar:

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Should the Jaguars have the opportunity to draft him you have to think they will and reunite Manziel with his former tackle, Luke Joeckel. It could actually be the perfect place for him to do what he does best--improvise. The Jaguars are so devoid of play makers and blocking that he will have to take off if he is going to stay alive.

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