Friday, January 10, 2014

Jay Gruden's Brain Fart is No Reason to Worry--Make Fun Of? Yes!

The attention that NFL players operate under is pretty intense. Go on vacation? Someone is taking pictures. Go on a date, or out to a club, or just to the movies and someone will be snapping pictures, talking trash, and trying to catch you in a slip of some kind. About the only thing that may be even more intense is the scrutiny that a head coach gets put under.

Just as new Washington Redskins Head Coach Jay Gruden.
Having to deal with the gossip and BS surrounding Robert Griffin III and his injury is enough for anyone; especially considering the way it dominated the headlines the latter half of the season for Mike Shanahan. Gruden is going to have enough eyes on him just because of that. 

He doesn't need any more because of a brain fart. Per USAToday:
“The only thing I can do is be Jay Gruden, coach these guys up, and hopefully make the Raider nation — Redskin nation — very proud,”
Redskins. Raiders. Redskins. Raiders. Eh.

Jay never played or coached for the Raiders of course; his brother did, but that was quite some time ago. So there is no real reason for him to have Raiders on the brain when he's been hired by the Redskins. 

It's just something that he's going to have to grin and bear with up until game time on Saturday and the media and bloggers have something else to talk about.

Any guesses as to how many players prank him next season wearing Raiders gear in training camp?

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