Sunday, February 2, 2014

Former QB Voted Tom Brady for MVP Because He Thought Brady Had More Value to His Team

Jim Miller was once a quarterback in the NFL. He was never a great one, but the man was not bad. He is now a radio host for Sirius XM, and the only voter not to name Peyton Manning the most valuable player in the NFL this season.

His logic--well, his logic for not doing so is a little baffling.

From Bleacher Report
This is what he had to say according to the Denver Post:

“It pains me because Peyton had such a historic season,” he said. “He is the offensive player of the year, no question. But having played the position, when I looked at who had the most value to his team, I thought Tom Brady carried that team the same way Adrian Peterson carried Minnesota last year.”

Okay. Everyone is entitled to an opinion....but WTF?

Miller's logic is just plain wrong. First of all, the award isn't for the player with the most value to their team. Yes, the person that wins the NFL MVP is going to be pretty valuable to his team, but if that is a deciding factor than Tony Romo should have been a candidate. 

He tried to justify it by looking at Adrian Peterson winning the award last season, but the comparison just doesn't work. Yes, AP was the MVP of the Vikings last season, but the man also had one of the single greatest rushing seasons in the history of the game. 

Tom Brady? Not so much.

Brady did a good job of leading the Patriots in to the playoffs yet again, but the running game and coaching staff deserves a lot more of the credit than he does. 

Even using his own logic Manning deserved his vote. Does he think that the running game works without Manning opening up the lanes with the passing attack first? No!

Peyton won the award still so in the scheme of things it doesn't matter, but if someone is going to keep an honor from being unanimous it would be nice if he had a decent reason. Heck, or if it's a BS one like that he should just keep it to himself next time.

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