Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jameis Winston Receives Citation for Shoplifitng Some Crab Legs [UPDATE]

Florida State quarterback, national champion, and Heisman trophy winner Jameis Winston has been arrested cited for attempting to shoplift some crab legs for stealing crabs. I'm not making this up--although I wish I was.

Proceed to shake your head as you wonder what the heck he was thinking.

The news comes as a real surprise since Winston knows all too well that any and every eye is on him watching his every move--many hoping he will make a mistake just like this. It is interesting to note that the news was originally reported as an arrest, but than switched to a citation.

After the way his last legal entanglement was handled the local police department does everything strictly by the book.

This story will be updated as more news becomes available.


Details on the case of the missing crabs have finally emerged. After some investigating, it was determined that Winston had indeed left the store without paying for some crab legs and crawfish worth about $32 (and change).

When asked Winston claimed he did not realize he hadn't paid for them till he got home, but at that time he did not make any attempt to return to the store and pay for them.

Tallahassee PD is not involved, but the Leon County Sheriff's Office is. Rather than give him a criminal citation or arrest him he has been issued a civil citation as part of a diversion program (basically taking first time offenders that do something stupid like this and giving them a chance to keep their criminal record clean). As part of the program he will be required to do 20 hours of community service.

University policy leaves it up to the head coach of a student's sport when it comes to citations as far as punishment goes. Winston has been suspended from the baseball time pending the completion of his community service.

He was also fined $30. No word on whether he got to keep the crab legs or if he eventually paid for them.


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