Friday, May 2, 2014

49ers Colin Kapernick Talks About Miami Alleged Sexual Assault Incident for the First Time

Last off-season San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick had to deal with concerns over his tattoos. This season he is probably wishing he was dealing with more stupid questions about his tattoos rather than what he has been dealing with--the suspected sexual assault incident in Miami.
He's been doing the smart thing and not talking about it, but decided to go ahead and say a few words about it at an appearance Friday.
At the Turlock Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast in his childhood hometown he had this to say about the Miami incident:
“It’s been put out that I did something wrong,” Kaepernick said, according to the Bee. “Even though it’s a bad circumstance, a bad situation, I feel like ultimately I’ve been blessed because it’s changed my way of thinking. It’s made me stronger.
“It’s made me look at things differently.”
“It makes me very happy to know that people are staying behind me the way they have.”

It's good to hear him break his silence. Yeah, it's smart not to say anything during an investigation because you can never tell how something is going to be misconstrued or take out of context (because--you know--that's what journalists and bloggers do).

In the end it is always about getting down to the truth and there is no better way to do that than to let the authorities do their job.

However, after hearing his comments (as reported by the Contra Costa Times) I'm a little perplexed and want him to clarify a few things:
  • How did the 'bad situation' change his way of thinking?
  • How did it make him look at things differently?
Okay, just a couple things.

He talks about being accused and than changing and looking at things differently, but without expanding on those thoughts it sounds like he said exactly what the team's publicist wanted him to say (or maybe the comments that have been printed are excerpts and just need to be heard in the right context).

Don't say it--I know. Questions like mine are exactly why he hasn't talked, but with an incomplete statement like that maybe he should have kept quiet.

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