Thursday, May 1, 2014

Highly Regarded Astros Prospect Looks Like He Belongs in Minors After This Epic Flub [GIF]

When George Springer was called up to join the Houston Astros it was big news. The highly regarded prospect is expected to be the next big thing--something the Astros are in dire need of. So far it hasn't gone that great for young George (.182 through 14 games). As for his fielding....

Well, he kind of struggled with that Thursday against the Washington Nationals.


Had he fielded the ball cleanly there is a chance he could have held up Denard Span at second; third definitely. However, after dropping the ball not one, not twice. but three times--well, Span could have moonwalked around the bases and still record an inside-the-park home run.

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1 comment:

  1. I mever nade a misnake im ny lyfe. i tought I didd wunc butt i wuz rong.
