Monday, May 12, 2014

A.J. McCarron Throws Nick Saban and Alabama Under the Bus with Recent Comments

A.J. McCarron is not doing himself any favors these days. It seems that each time he talks or tweets he is reinforcing the notion the belief that he is cocky and just a little too arrogant for his own good. According to many reports that is why he was drafted as late as he was in spite of guiding Alabama to back to back BCS Championships.

After his recent comments he may be in danger of burning some bridges at Alabama now too.

In an effort to make himself look like a team player that will do what it takes to win he made the following comments in an interview with Sirius XM:
“A lot of people don’t realize I wasn’t healthy at Alabama,” McCarron said. “I sacrificed a lot to play for Coach Saban and that university; I played through a lot of injuries and we never leaked it because that’s just the way it is. I just always tried to fight through for my teammates, my team and the University of Alabama but as of now I’m just excited to get to work with coach (Ken) Zampese and learn under Andy Dalton.”
If there is one thing that a coach or program does not want to be accused of is protecting the health of its players--which McCarron say Nick Saban and Alabama did in regards to him. Should it ever come out that he should have been held out and was influenced to play anyway it will not go over well for the Crimson Tide.
Could the team be sanctioned?  I don't know the rules well enough to say that, but some recruits might be a little more wary of playing for a program that is more concerned with winning than it is their well-being.
The truth of the matter is that McCarron is trying to make himself look good at the expense of others, but anyone that has ever played a competitive sport will see right through him.
Football is a rough game; one in which everyone is hurting to some degree for the majority of the season. It is up to the player, coaches, and medical staff to figure out what is an actual injury that needs time to heal or just a run-of-the-mill ache and pain. 
If it hurts you can play, and just about every guy does. So nice try A.J. but you didn't do anything except throw your coach and school under the bus.

[Bama Online]

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  1. How exactly does this qualify as throwing the team under the bus? He was only intending to address the criticism he was receiving from others during the draft process and used his time at Alabama to speak up for his character. The author of this article (if you can call it that) clearly blows his response out of proportion.

    1. AJ is trying to claim he did something special--he didn't. Instead he insinuates that he was allowed to play injured--not good. So according to him the program cares more about wins than player health--doubtful. If anything this is another case of him making excuses.

    2. Like when he blamed the young players for Bama losing last year.

    3. His intent was clearly to demonstrate that he was not the person he was characterized to be in the recent criticisms he was getting. His point was to emphasize that he did have the respect of others and understood what it took to win at Alabama rather than come off as some arrogant jerk like many in the media have somehow started labeling him as. People are clearly misunderstanding his stance.

    4. Gotta disagree with you there. I liked him at Alabama, but since the draft process started he has appeared to be nothing but an arrogant jerk. That's why he keeps trying to prop himself up. He just needs to stop talking.

  2. AJ McCarron was a good QB for Bama. However, Nick Saban's arrogance definitely wore off on him. Any player who continuously takes credit for all the success of the team is really too full of himself. He is too soon to forget what extraordinary receivers and running backs he played with in his four years. Those guys on the ones that won championships. Not a team player. Not a classy guy.

    1. This comment is apparently spoken by someone who clearly hasn't followed Alabama football very much.

  3. I don't think he meant it the way some people took it. He's just tired of everybody downing him just because he's not a flashy player like certain others who went before he did in the draft. Some of those have a lot more negatives in their character than talking about playing with injuries to help the team win---like stealing, sexual misconduct and possible rape, etc....Rather have a loyal, dependable, above average player/game manager than someone who should really be in jail!!! We'll see who becomes a success and stays out of trouble in the NFL!

    1. Exactly. I can't understand why so many people insist on not understanding this.

    2. References other players shortcomings is a poor defense of his. Yeah, the other guys were at fault, but in a different way so is he. At Alabama he appeared to be a stand-up dude and a solid player. Since than he can't stop tooting his own horn. I agree with one of the comments above. A.J. needs to shut up and just play. Let his game do the talking like it did in college. He really needs to stop.
