Monday, May 12, 2014

'Johnny Apple Manziel' Organic Juice is Everything a Star Quarterback Needs and More

Folks in Cleveland are falling in love with their newest quarterback--first round pick Johnny Manziel. Apparel with his name on it has been flying off the racks; as fast as it can be made. Is he the answer to the Browns QB issues? Who knows, but we do know one thing.

He has inspired the creation of an organic juice.

Product endorsements are part of the joy of being one of the latest and greatest player to come out of the college ranks. Whether this one is officially endorsed by Johnny Football or not remains to be see (it's small potatoes after all), but there could not be a better product for a young man with the partying lifestyle.

It's benefits include detox, immunity boost, digestive support, and pain relief.

After some of the parties he's attended over the last couple years it's probably safe to see he has needed all four at one time or another!

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