Monday, May 12, 2014

Gilbert Arenas Accepts Donald Sterling's Apology; Relates to the Clippers Owner [VIDEO]

Donald Sterling appeared on the CNN show Anderson Cooper 360 Monday night to talk about the controversy surrounding his racists comments and give what qualified as an apology in his eyes. As it turns out at least one person has been willing to accept it; not only did he accept it he said he could relate to the embattled owner.

Who could do this? None other than Gilbert Arenas.

In an Instagram post Monday afternoon he included the following message:
I'll be the first to accept ur a man who's made a mistake or two in life I know how hard it is to look at your self in the mirror when you let so many ppl down but for anybody who can't and won't accept his apology u need to look in the mirror because were not perfect..forgiveness will destroy racism not more hatred..
On the face of it, this is a respectable move by Arenas. It does take a lot to forgive someone and admit your own mistakes like he did. He is 100 percent right too--hatred (of Sterling) is not the answer.

It will only compound the problem.

That being said you have to wonder if he has seen Sterling's interview on Anderson Cooper. It's one thing to apologize, but to do so and then try to defend yourself by attacking another? That's pretty low Donald--especially when you do so without having your facts straight.

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