Monday, May 12, 2014

WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan Has to Have Neck Surgery [VIDEO]

Wrestling may be scripted, but the men and women that entertain millions of WWE fans around the world still have to be incredible athletes to do what they do and not get hurt. Even than, sometimes injuries happen--even serious ones--that forces wrestlers from the ring for lengthy periods of time and sometimes for good.

Fans found out during Raw Monday night that their new heavyweight champion Daniel Bryan has fallen victim to the injury bug--and it's a bad one.

During the program he addressed fans to let them know that he was going to be out for awhile in order to recover from neck surgery (which he is having on Thursday):

The neck is nothing to mess with so chances are he is going to be out for some time. If that is the case you have to wonder if he will be allowed to keep the belt or not. Not having it in play during broadcasts and pay-per-views will definitely take away from the program, but to outright strip him of it would be an unpopular move as well.

Maybe a tournament style thing could be done in order to find a new champ with the stipulation that the winner will have to wrestle Bryan when he returns in order to keep it?

Who knows.

First things first--good luck with the surgery Bryan. Titles are great, but health is more important.

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