Friday, May 9, 2014

Johnny Manziel Asked Easily One of the Dumbest Questions at His Press Conference

After getting picked by the Cleveland Browns late in the first round of the draft Thursday night in New York it was off to Ohio for Johnny Manziel. Time to be officially introduced to the locals and for the press to grill him like they've never grilled anyone before.

It was pretty harmless over all. One guy thought he had something when he pointed at a picture of himself drinking champagne Thursday night, but Johnny shut him down by pointing out the obvious.


He's 21.

As dumb as that whole exchange sounds it was by far not the dumbest thing that was said or asked. No, that honor goes to the fool that actually asked Manziel if he could convince his buddy LeBron James to come back to Cleveland.

Good answer Johnny. Stupid question reporter.

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