Sunday, May 4, 2014

No Love for Mason Plumlee From Paul Pierce and Deron Williams [GIF]

The Brooklyn Nets had a tough one on their hands Sunday in Game 7 with the Toronto Raptors; one of those where each and every scoring opportunity was vital (I guess they always are, but work with me...). So when Mason Plumlee went to the line late in the second period those shots were big.

So its no wonder that some of teammates gave him some love after making the first one--but where was Paul Pierce and Deron Williams? Plumlee certainly expected them...


Credit has to be given to Plumlee for trying to play it off like he was just air drying his hands and than wiped them off on his shorts--but we all know. It will be interesting to see if someone questions Pierce, Williams, or Plumlee about this after the game.

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