Thursday, June 26, 2014

Uruguayan Football Association Claims Picture of Supposed Luis Suarez Bite is Photo-Shopped

Uruguay's Luis Suarez is in trouble. After biting--excuse me, allegedly biting-- Italy's Giorgio Chiellini he is going to face charges by FIFA and could face a significant penalty since it is his third offense. So--how do you defend a guy like that?
You throw out the Shaggy defense--'it wasn't me.'

via Twitter
Rather than plead for leniency, the Uruguayan Football Association has decided to go on the offense and claim it is all a nasty conspiracy targeted at Suarez. Team captain Diego Lugano had this to say [via The Guardian):
“Everybody knows the British media have an issue with Suarez. It must sell newspapers in England. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Yesterday Uruguay played against Italy and Saturday it will play Colombia. I don’t know what a British journalist is doing talking about Suárez. It must be popular with the British media. I don’t see another explanation.”
Here's the best part. They are going to try and say that the picture that has been floating around all over the internet is photo-shopped. They are going to say whatever contact was made was incidental and just part of the game.

They might have a hard time proving that. This isn't the best clip, but it sure looks pretty bad for Suarez.

[The Guardian]

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  1. Hi,

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  2. World Cup 2018 will be a good record because any misconduct like Suarez done will lead to the direct action According to FIFA. He is banned for 4 months because of biting the player
