Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Additional Cops Called Out to Dallas Cowboys/Oakland Raiders Practice Over Gang Concerns

On Tuesday the Oakland Raiders and Dallas Cowboys held a joint practice session in Oxnard, CA. The practice was not unique. Many teams hold joint sessions at this time of year; the Raiders and Cowboys have in the past.

However, the heavy police presence at camp Tuesday was a bit out of the ordinary.

They were not there to police the players (shocking--yes, I know). They were worried about a pair of rival gangs engaging in some sort of activity.

The Colonia Chiques wear Cowboys gear. The Southside Chiques wear Raiders gear. Since just about everyone in attendance is going to be wearing one or the other there is no telling how many--if any--gang members could be in attendance.

So to make sure they can keep the peace they called for some help--but was there ever any real concern? Well--it sure sounds like it!

Hmmm...it kind of makes you wonder about the fan that got involved in the fight.


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