Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Former NFL QB Vince Young to Make Six Figures in New Job With University of Texas

Life has probably not turned out much like former Longhorns great Vince Young thought it would. After the career he had in college and winning the national championship he looked like a shoe-in for NFL greatness. After winning rookie of the year honors it seemed like he was well on his way, but that ended up being far from the case.

That being said he sure can't complain about how the next stage of his life is shaping up.


For months there have been rumors that when he decides to hang up the cleats for good there would be a job waiting for him back at his alma mater. As it turns out the rumor was not just talk. On Thursday the school is expected to announce Young will have a position with the Texas' Division of Diversity and Community Engagement.

Young's degree in applied learning and development and his background make him an a good fit for the position, and his popularity will definitely help open doors. As the first person from his own family to earn a college degree he will be able to engage with the very people the school is looking to help.

So it looks like he is going to be able to do something he wanted (help people) now that his football days are done. On a personal level that is a dream come true for most people, but the paycheck he is expected to get is a pretty nice perk as well.

According to Horns Digest the position is going to be making somewhere in the range of six figures.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Good for you Vince.


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