Sunday, August 24, 2014

Looks Like the Baltimore Ravens Have a Beast in Steve Smith--I Mean Steve Smith Sr. [GIF]

When the Baltimore Ravens signed long time Carolina Panthers wide receiver Steve Smith--excuse me, Steve Smith Sr. now--they knew what they were getting. For years Smith has been one of the best ball hawks in the league, with or without a good quarterback tossing him the ball. He had one the last couple years in Cam Newton, but the Panthers decided they were down with the 35-year old.

Of course when an old guy gets let go you can't help but wonder if they know a slide in production is coming. So--is that the case with Smith?

via BroBible
His game Saturday night against the Washington Redskins would say absolutely not! Smith caught six of the seven balls thrown his way for 80-yards and one touchdown (see above)--but the TD was not the best part of his game.

For a 5'9" guy that weighs in at 200 pounds soaking wet he runs like a guy a few inches taller and about 30 pounds heavier.

via Reddit
(In case the GIF is acting wonky check out the original link so you can see Smith breaking tackles.)

Well done Mr. Smith. Well done indeed.

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