Tuesday, August 26, 2014

USC Trojans DB Josh Shaw Lie About Rescuing His Nephew?

The USC Trojans are going to have to do without senior cornerback Josh Shaw for the immediate future, and as tough as that may be the reason is something fans can't be mad about. According to Shaw he jumped from a second story balcony to rescue his drowning nephew. In the process he injured both ankles (high ankle sprains) and will be out indefinitely.

Can't be mad at a hero, right? How about a guy that simply did something stupid and than lied about being heroic to cover it up?

There is no proof that he is lying just yet, but the school has received some information that has them doubting his story:

Should the school find out Shaw is lying the university will be fine; it's done nothing wrong. Things could go south for Shaw quickly though.

High ankle sprains tend to take up to 6-7 weeks to heal enough for a player to get back on the field, but could take as long as three months. If he can't play and it is because he did something stupid why keep him around? Guys get injured all the time for things away from the field, but he lied about it and made the university look foolish.

There is bound to be something they can do about that. I have no idea what the school could do to him, but if there is any sort of punishment that can be levied they certainly will. Whatever the school does will pale in comparison to the internet though. If Shaw lied about being a hero he is going to be crucified--and deservedly so--all over social media.

For now his story is under investigation so stay tuned and have your memes on standby.


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