Sunday, August 10, 2014

WATCH: Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Finally Comments on Naughty Photos With Strippers (sort of)

Jerry Jones is no stranger to being in the news. Ever since he purchased the Dallas Cowboys all those years ago the man has been a fixture in NFL news circles for one reason or another. So when photos of him recently surfaced cozying up to a couple of young ladies in a rather provocative way it was just another day in the life for ole Jerry.

Like everything else the media, fans, and bloggers want to know what the story is--and Sunday evening he finally talked about them (sort of).

After Sunday's practice Jones made a few comments to some reporters:


It kind of sounds like he might have been doing some PR work with a local 'restaurant' and it ended up being really fun. You would think he would know better than to take a racy picture without being drunk out his mind, but it's kind of hard to tell if he's blitzed or not in the pics.

While it is nice to know something about the whole mess from the man himself all he's done is added more fuel to the speculative fire. How in the world where they 'misrepresented?' He's cuddled up rather close to a couple women young enough to be his granddaughters--and he's married!

So unless his marriage has gone the way of Donald Sterling's and he's miraculously kept it out of the news he has some explaining to do (at least to his wife if no one else).

[Dallas Morning News, Video from Star-Telgram]

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