Wednesday, September 10, 2014

NFL Needs to Proceed With Caution When it Comes to Ray Rice

When the video of now former Baltimore Ravens running back surfaced Monday the folks at TMZ got what they expected--a natikon outraged and demanding action. They got it of course when the Ravens released Rice and the league suspended him indefinitely. What may be more important than that is this:

NFL commissioner Roger Goodel has not ruled out Rice playing again.

As much as people do not want to even consider Rice being allowed back in to the league if Goodell is going to treat Rice fairly he has to eventually open the door for Rice. The reason is pretty simple--he's let guys who did a lot worse back in.

  • Michael Vick headed up a dog fighting ring and was responsible for the brutal death of a number of dogs.
  • Josh Brent drove drink and killed his friend and teammate Jeremy Brown in an accident.
  • Donte Stallworth hit a pedestrian while driving drunk and killed him.
  • Ray Lewis was charged with murder, but escaped the charges by testifying against his co-defendants.

A precedent has beens set already, but it's one that many people disagree with. When Brent's 10-game suspension was announced man were outraged that he was being allowed back in to the league (he'll play with the Cowboys). The same could be said for Vick.

Goodell could end up finding himself in a rather unique and precarious position. He could sit down with Rice and work out a plan for him to earn his way back in to the league like he has with other players--or he could make a statement and just say no.

However, should he take that route not only will Rice's lawyers go nuts pointing at Vick and Brent, but he may set another precedent he doesn't want to set.

Will the next person that manages to cover up his dastardly deed (whatever it is) get kicked out as well? Players don't seem to learn from each other's mistakes so we know it is going to happen again.

One way or another a precedent is going to be set. The NFL better make sure it is one it can live with.

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