Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Like Words With Friends? Then You'll Love Richard Sherman's New App---the Letters of Boom!

Words With Friends is addictive as hell. I've been playing some friends games for a few years now. We finish one and simply keep starting over each and every time we finish. I've tried to stop, but I can't. The darn thing just keeps pulling me back in. It's folks like me that Richard Sherman is probably hoping will be willing to pay two bucks to download a new, cooler word game.

His will let you blow stuff up.


He calls the game the Letters of Boom:

According to the iTunes description the game is based on sorting letters, spelling words, and blowing stuff up. Sherman provided the voice over for the app. Unlike other word games that adhere to silly old things like dictionaries this one will allow a separate category of words.


The Stanford grad is playing it smart too. Knowing full well how much the world loves word games he's decided to charge folks a couple bucks a download.

Depending on how bad people like seeing words get blown up that could ad up to a good chunk of change.


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