Tuesday, November 25, 2014

So What is This 'Landry Shift' the Dallas Cowboys Keep Doing? [GIF]

Off and on this season there is a term that gets thrown out at the end of Dallas Cowboys games; ones they win at least. It seems that the team has been doing what is called the 'Landry Shift.' Some fans will be familiar with what it is. However, for the legions of fans born since it's hay day it may be a mystery.

After all, it's been about 40 years since the 'Landry Shift' was created.

via Reddit

The move dates back to the 1960's and 70's when the team was led by legendary head coach Tom Landry and quarterback Roger Staubach. At the start of each play the offensive line would go from having their hands on their hands to standing up, to getting in their stance.

It was pretty popular back then and on in to the 80's. Kids, ask Dad and he'll tell you he did it when he was playing offensive line back in his Pee Wee football days. This season it's something the Cowboys line has decided to do to honor the team's history.

That's it. Nothing big, but definitely something pretty darn cool.

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