Friday, December 12, 2014

Adrian Peterson Ready to Quit Football for the Olympics? Maybe...

Popular opinion was split on whether Adrian Peterson was going to be reinstated and able to finish out the season with the Minnesota Vikings. What some people failed to remember is that the league is going to get what it wants and after failing miserably with the Ray Rice case it had to look tough with Peterson (arbitrator shmarbitrator).

Getting reinstated is still not a guarantee when he does become eligible, and apparently neither is his desire to return.


In an interview with ESPN Peterson talked about the $8 million he has made this season even though he didn't play and possibly quitting the NFL. He talked about real estate and maybe even the Olympics:
"I've considered retiring from the NFL," Peterson said. "I still made $8 million dollars this year. I've thought about getting back into the real estate (business in Texas) I'm already in. That's something I've been interested in, something I'm involved in. I've thought about getting back into that. I've thought about going after the Olympics -- you only live once. It might be time for me to pursue that, as well. I love playing football, don't get me wrong, but this situation is deeper than that. For me, it's like, 'Why should I continue to be a part of an organization or a business that handles players the way they do? Making money off the field anyway, why not continue to pursue that (Olympic) dream and pursue other dreams and hang up the cleats?'"
The question he may want to ask before doing that is whether the Olympic team would want him. Popular opinion is split on whether he did anything wrong, but would the Olympic team want to incur the wrath of the half that hate him?

Probably not.


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