Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Keith Olbermann Suspended By ESPN After Tweet Insulting Penn State Efforts to Raise Money for Pediatric Cancer

They say there is no such thing as negative publicity. That it is better to be talked about and in the forefront of the public's mind rather than not be talked about at all. Keith Olbermann must adhere to that train of thought. How else can you explain why he would insult Penn State students raising over $13 million for pediatric cancer.

I'm just going to go ahead and get this out of the way--what a jack*ss.

via Twitter
To be more precise, what he did was call the efforts pitiful on Twitter Sunday night:

In year's past the fundraiser typically increased by $2 million and this year's total ($13,026,653.23) was actually a little bit lower than last year's ($13,343,517.33)Regardless, it is still an incredible amount of money raised for a very worthy cause and insulting it like Olbermann did is deplorable.

ESPN did the right thing and suspended him for the rest of the week.

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