Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Former Dallas Cowboys WR Jessee Holley Proves He is an Idiot [VIDEO]

In a perfect world we would learn not only from our mistakes, but from the mistakes of others as well. This could especially benefit guys in the National Football League. With all the attention that comes with every wrongful act done by players guys should have all the examples they need of what not to do.

Apparently former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Jessee Holley needs another one. For some stupid reason he went on the air (on radio) and talked about how he could beat UFC women's champion Ronda Rousey.

Yes, she is a fighter so it is no small feat, but she is still a woman. For a guy to talk about beating up a woman is not smart. He now works for a local radio program covering the Cowboys, and it is hard to imagine they will like his comments either.

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