Sunday, March 15, 2015

Seattle Seahawks WR Kevin Norwood Proposes to Gymnast Girlfriend After Meet [VIDEO]

Guys don't always know what our women want, but there is one thing we do know. When it comes time for us to ask our girlfriend if she is will marry us we know she wants the proposal to be something special. What that means is different for everyone, but if we really know our girl it will not be too hard to figure out.

Former Alabama wide receiver Kevin Norwood (now with the Seattle Seahawks) decided he was going to go ahead and pop the question recently and picked a time and place that was near and dear to his girlfriend's heart--after one of her gymnastic's meets.

Norwood has just finished hanging out the post meet awards and the team had posed for a picture when it was suggested that the happy couple take a picture together on the podium. Little did Norwood's girlfriend, Kayla Williams, know what Kevin had in mind:

She said yes!

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