Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sidney Rice and Steve Weatherford Announce They Will Be Donating Their Brains to Science

Concussions and the lingering effects many players suffer from long after their playing days are done are still a hot topic in the NFL. In order to better understand what happens to the brain some players have donated theirs after they pass away so scientists can study them. Two players, one active and one retired, recently announced that they will be donating their brains to the study.

Who are they? Former Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Sidney Rice and current New York Giants punter Steve Weatherford.

Rice claims that over the course of his playing days dating back to little league he may have suffered as many as 8-10 concussions and cited concussions as a reason for retiring last July.
“I think the first one was when I was 8years old, going around the edge, hit a kid head-on,” Rice said (via SeattlePI). “It was the first time I ever saw stars, aside from the cartoon shows.”
As for Weatherford, I can't recall ever hearing about the Giants jacked up punter every having a concussion, but he very well may have back in the day when punters played other positions as well. Otherwise the only thing they may learn from his brain is how clean, healthy living can affect it.

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