Thursday, April 16, 2015

Former Nebraska Defensive End Randy Gregory Calls City of New Orleans Boring

Prior to testing positive for drugs at the Combine former Nebraska defensive end Randy Gregory was considered a foregone conclusion to go near the top of the draft. Post-positive drug test it depends who you talk to. Some think the test will hurt him big because teams are more wary of taking a chance on someone that is not smart enough to quit smoking prior to attending an event where he knows he will get drug tested.

Others think he will be fine, but when he insults an entire city like he did during his trip to New Orleans it certainly doesn't help his odds any.

via Twitter
While visiting with the Saints Gregory sent this ill-advised tweet in to the virtual world:

Some took his comment to be a diss against the team so Gregory tweeted that he meant no disrespect to the team at all. Many others took it like it was intended--as a knock against the city and they were not happy about it.

If the team were to draft him of course the populace would likely forgive and forget pretty quickly assuming he is as good as advertised.

The question folks should be asking is not "what were you thinking?" but "how on Earth did you find New Orleans boring?" Well--since he likely wasn't living it up and enjoying the nightlife while he was there chances are unless he likes to go on a historical tour or something it was kind of boring.

Any city can be dull if you are there on business and stick to business. So that has nothing to do with New Orleans. It's called being a grown up. Sometimes you can't play even when you are on the playground.

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